Scampicchio House
The noble family of Scampicchio arrived from Italy, settling in Labin in the 15th century. In Istria they held different political, public, military and ecclesiastical functions. They owned estates in the area of Labin, Motovun, Plomin, Barban, Pula, Medulin and the Raša River valley. The family name is also mentioned in Svetvinčenat, Klana, Cres, Koper, Venice and Muggia.
The preserved archive documents mention the Scampicchio family in Pula in 1580, during the visitation of the Bishop of Verona, Agostino Valier, when Giovanni Battista Scampicchio, a councilor of the city of Pula, was questioned in conjunction with the life and integrity of Bishop Matteo Barbabianca. Members of the family stayed in this city and carried out certain duties there until 1678.
The family also owned shops in Pula, a vineyard next to the Porta Aurea, the island of Uljanik, and fields, vineyards and pastures in the vicinity of Pula (Valdebek, Vintijan, Vinkuran, Medulin and Premantura), as well as the islands of Ceja and Trumbuja in Medulin Bay.
In addition to houses in Labin and Motovun, and villas in Labin (Tonci/Turanj) and Sveti Ivan od Šterne, family documents show that they also owned houses in Pula during the 16th century. One of these was located on the Forum, the other opposite the Gothic Demartini House in present-day Kandler Street. This single-storey house, whose core was most certainly older, was restored in the Renaissance period towards the end of the 15th century or in the first half of the 16th century. It was subsequently destroyed during an aerial bombardment in 1944. The appearance of the house is known from postcards that date to the beginning of the 20th century, as well as from photographs kept in archives (Treviso, Florence). In the Archaeological Museum of Istria are some quality-made architectonic elements that belonged to this house: semicircular window endings, window frames, a window sill console, a capital, sections of the portal lunette, and the family coat of arms.
Angelus Cornelio comes et provisor / sui com<m>odo et succ<e>ssoribus suis / proprio aere construxit / anno D(omi)ni 1688
Translation: Angelus Cornelio, conte e proveditore, for his own good and that of his heirs, he erected with his own money in the year of the Lord 1688.
BERTOŠA Miroslav, Istra: Doba Venecije (XVI. - XVIII. stoljeće). Pula, 1995.
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GUDELJ Jasenka, Gli ambienti della cultura nobiliare in Istria: gli edifici della famiglia Scampicchio. Atti del Centro di ricerche storiche, Rovigno, XXXVI. Rovigno-Trieste, 2006. 55-116.
KRNJAK Ondina - RADOSSI Giovanni, Notizie storico-araldice di Pola. Atti del Centro di ricerche storiche Rovigno, XXVI. Rovigno – Trieste, 1996. 115-205.
NACINOVICH Ernesto, La famiglia Scampicchio. Notizie e documenti. Rijeka, 1892.
VORANO Tulio, Un piccolo contributo alla determinazione dell’albero genealogico degli Scampicchio La Ricerca (Rovinj), XII.2000 – IV.2001. 21.
ZAKOŠEK Boris, Analitički inventar arhivskog fonda Obitelji Scampicchio (Labin, Motovun, Svetvinčenat), 1447-1878, [1882, 1903]. Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva, 2-3. Pazin, 1992-1993. 191-212.